Blocked builds now considered "Fixed"

Buildkite can send notifications to your favourite Slack channel when your builds have finished. These notifications can be filtered in a few different ways, including to only "failed" and "fixed" builds. Historically, "fixed" meant there was a previous build on the same branch which failed and the new build has passed. Now "fixed" is also sent when a new build becomes blocked.

Notification service settings build state filtering options including failed and fixed options

We've tried to make this change carefully so that existing notifications are mostly unaffected, apart from "fixed" notifications appearing when builds become blocked. If this interrupts your workflow, please reach out via


Timed out jobs that exit with 0 will now pass

Previously, the build would consider a timed out job as "failed", regardless of its exit status 🙃

This could sometimes happen if a command finished just as the job was being timed out, or if it had specifically implemented signal handling to gracefully exit.


Now, jobs that timeout with an exit status of 0 will be marked as "passed", so you can depend on the exit status as the one source of truth for job status ✅


Embed colored terminal output in Annotations

You can now more easily embed colored terminal output in annotations. 🌈

Wrap any ANSI formatted console output in a Markdown block with either the term or terminal syntax:

Fancy \x1b[91mc\x1b[33mo\x1b[93ml\x1b[92mo\x1b[94mr\x1b[95ms\x1b[0m here

The ANSI formatting is then rendered for you in the annotation:

Screen Shot 2019-11-06 at 2.48.59 pm edited.png

You can read more about the formatting supported in annotations in the CLI docs.


Schedules no longer need a user

Builds created from schedules will no longer be associated with users 🏃🏼‍♂️💨

If a user loses access to a pipeline, either by leaving the organization or changing teams, you won't need to update your schedules to a new owner.

If your schedule is still attached to a user, you'll see the ⚠️ Requires Migration badge. You'll be able to remove the user from the schedule on the build schedule page.


Unmigrated schedules will have their users automatically removed on the 30th of January, 2020. To check your build schedules, see the Schedules section of your Pipeline Settings 👀


Identify if you’re running an agent version with known issues

To make it easier to see if you’re running an agent version with a known issue, we've updated the agent list, job timeline, and agent page to show a warning and a link to upgrade instructions 🐛

Screenshot showing an agent with known issues

Upgrade instructions all link to their relevant buildkite-agent GitHub release, so you can dig into the details and find the minimum required version bump.


Job navigation now stays on-screen as you scroll

To make it easier to navigate long build pages, we’ve updated the job navigation so that it sticks to the top of your browser window as you scroll 🔝

Gif of a set of build jobs being scrolled through. The second is expanded and its header sticks to the top of the screen as the user scrolls revealing more of the log.

Now you can keep your bearings while spelunking through long build output or tracking down that particular artifact 🔍


Guidelines for managing pipeline secrets

We've added a new Managing Pipeline Secrets guide to help you understand how to securely store and access secrets, and some of the anti-patterns you should avoid 🔐

Screenshot of the new Managing Pipeline Secrets documentation

Have a read through the recommendations and share it with your team 💪


Support for selecting multiple options in block steps

We’ve added a new multiple property to block steps, giving you the ability to select multiple options when unblocking builds ☑️

The pop-up for entering options to a block step, with caption “Deploy To,” and a list of checkboxes for “Regions” with “North America,” “Europe,” “Asia” and “Oceania.” All four are checked.

When the build is unblocked with multiple selected options, the meta-data value will return the options as a newline separated string.

See the block step documentation for more details and examples.


View all branches on the pipelines overview page

Your pipeline overview page uses each pipeline’s default branch to calculate the graphs and statistics. We've added support for setting a pipeline's default branch to a blank value (which you can now do directly on the pipelines page), allowing you to see the graphs and stats for all builds in a pipeline 📊

Screenshot showing the new View Builds and Branch Settings options


Self-signed certificate support for GitHub Enterprise

To help you get started with GitHub Enterprise installs that use self-signed certificates, we've added the ability to disable TLS certificate verification in your GitHub Enterprise Buildkite settings 🔓

Verify TLS Certificate checkbox — disable verification to allow self-signed certificates

You can find the new setting in your GitHub Enterprise settings, and read more details in our GitHub Enterprise documentation.


Removal of the “All Organizations” scope for API Access Tokens

To improve API Access Token security we have removed the “All Organizations” scope from tokens. When managing your tokens you now explicitly select each organization 🔐

Screenshot of the New API Access Token form

If you had tokens with “All Organizations” scopes, they have been automatically migrated and include all of your current organization memberships. When you join a new Buildkite organization, and wish to grant a token access to its data, you must edit the token's settings and select the new organization.

You can manage your tokens on the API Access Tokens Settings page.


Time formatting now respects your language settings

We've updated the way times are displayed, and they now respect your browser’s preferred language settings 🌏

For example, if your browser’s preferred language is set to Bokmål or Deutsch, Buildkite will now show 14:17 instead of 2:17 PM ⏰

Screenshot showing new times


Updated Environment Variables documentation

The Environment Variables documentation has had a major update 🤩

🌈A new layout ⚡️A new section for deprecated variables 🍩Many previously undocumented variables added 💥Expanded descriptions

Screen Shot 2019-04-05 at 2.08.19 pm.png

You can find the updated Environment Variables page under the Pipelines section of the documentation 🚀


New Agent Tokens documentation

We’ve added a new Agent Tokens page to the documentation. It explains default organization tokens, creating and revoking tokens using GraphQL, session token exchange, and more 🕵🏻‍♀️

Screen Shot 2019-03-06 at 12.27.32 pm.png

You can find the new Agent Tokens page under the Agent section of the documentation 🎊


Upgrades to Single Sign-On support

We've been rolling out some big upgrades to Buildkite’s Single Sign-On (SSO) support based on your feedback 📣


The upgrades to Single Sign-On include:

  • Admins can now invite users into an SSO organization prior to them joining, along with team membership.
  • Team membership can now be passed through as a SAML user attribute.
  • Contractors and bots can be added to an organization using any email domain.
  • SSO can be made optional for some users, allowing you to have a "break glass" account in the case of your SSO provider being unavailable.
  • People can participate in multiple Buildkite organizations with SSO enabled, and easily switch between them.

If your organization hasn't already made the switch, we'll be automatically moving your Buildkite organization to the new version of SSO over the next few weeks. There will be no interruption to your logins, and it won't require any changes to your SSO provider setup.

If you have any questions please email, and you can read more about SSO updates in our community forum post 😊


Build messages are now optional

To make testing new pipelines easier, you no longer need to specify the "Message" of a build. Buildkite now automatically resolves the message, based on the git commit, when the build starts 🎉

Screenshot of the New Build dialog

We've also updated the Builds REST API and GraphQL API so your integrations can take advantage of this too.


SSO setup guides now available

We've added a new SSO section to the documentation, with instructions for setting up Single-Sign On with Google OAuth, Okta, OneLogin, and ADFS, and custom SAML providers ✨


You can now also find step-by-step instructions for managing SSO with GraphQL, allowing you to enable, disable and update your SSO settings via the Buildkite GraphQL API :graphql:


Agent Improvements in v3.6 - v3.8

Happy 2019! To kick off the year, we've got some new agent changes fresh off the press!

Better error messages for cancelled jobs 🚨

When a job is cancelled, the agent receives the instruction and starts to shutdown the running job. The job is given 10 seconds to finish, after which it's terminated. Previously what had happened wasn't clear. We now clearly show that a command was interrupted by a signal:

Configurable grace period for cancellation ⏱

By default we give cancelled jobs 10 seconds to finish before they terminate. For some things like a Terraform tear-down, this can take a lot longer. We added a config of cancel-grace-period to customize that value.

# Wait 600 seconds (10 minutes) for cancellation
buildkite-agent start --cancel-grace-period 600

Future improvements will allow this to be set at a pipeline or step level.

Checkout directory is removed on error 🧹

Checkouts can fail for a variety of reasons which can sometimes leave the git repository in a corrupted state that prevents future checkouts.

The default behaviour for the agent is now to remove the checkout directory if there is a terminal checkout failure.

Windows agents run hooks after cancel 🎣

Windows unfortunately doesn't handle signals like posix systems do, so on Windows the cancellation behaviour was to simple terminate the job. This meant that artifacts weren't uploaded and hooks like pre-exit didn't run, which left things like docker-compose without a way to cleanup.

We now use Windows Terminal Process Groups and the CTRL_BREAK message to emulate signal handling in windows, which now means it should behave much like it's fairer cousins!

Windows gets terminal colors! 🖍

Ok this is a small improvement, but it represents our ongoing efforts to take advantage of the neat things that the Windows Terminal team is doing building for Terminal apps.

Spawn Multiple Agents 🐙

Currently we recommend that multiple agents on a host are run via your init system (launchd, systemd, etc). The new --spawn feature allows for multiple parallel agents to be spawned from the one installation.

We're still figuring out how this might fit into the bigger picture, but keen to see how folks use this feature!

Datadog metrics (Beta) 🐶

We are working with the Datadog team on becoming an official integration. First steps are getting some simple job metrics into Datadog.

You can use the new config metrics-datadog and metrics-datadog-host.

Let us know what you think at

Vendored Plugins 📦

We now support loading plugins from within your repository. This lets you vendor plugins to ensure that a third-party can't change them.

  - label: 'Test with vendored docker plugin'
      - './.buildkite/plugins/docker':
          image: 'hello-world'

Check out for a bit more context.

Resolve $BUILDKITE_COMMIT correctly at pipeline upload ⚙️

We now resolve manually triggered builds with a commit of HEAD to the actual commit value in $BUILDKITE_COMMIT for your pipeline uploads.

See for more context. I'm sorry it took us so long!

Better handling of submodules 🧤

We discovered a few gnarly bugs where we weren't ssh keyscanning submodules correctly and also a few cases where we weren't cleaning up lingering submodules in the checkout phase. These are now squashed!


New 🚀 Sticker in the Buildkite Shop

Everyone's favourite illustration from the Buildkite website has been repackaged and deployed as a set of transparent stickers, ready for you to launch onto any surface you choose ✨



You can order your own set of 🚀 stickers from the Buildkite Shop.


Link to jobs from annotations

You can now link directly to a job from a build annotation! 🔗

Animated 2018-12-13 at 13.44.40.gif

This should make the annotations generated by neat annotation generators like test-summary-buildkite-plugin and rspec-buildkite all the more handy.


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Buildkite Pipelines


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